Together, Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs (CMPA) amplifies and enables McMaster’s bold ambition to advance human and societal health and well-being. We will lead the sector by building relationships, reputation and resources, achieving results that support McMaster’s strategic priorities.
Information Box Group
Communications Learn about Communications
Our network of professionals builds reputation by leading media relations and content creation, guiding social media and creating visual content. We cultivate key relationships and offer strategic communications support for university administration and within faculties and units.
Marketing Learn about Marketing
The marketing team provides strategic marketing support to the university’s reputation, rankings, and international recruitment ambitions, as well as supporting the university’s web and digital strategies. The team works with stakeholders across campus to strengthen McMaster’s brand and global recognition.
Public Affairs Learn about Public Affairs
The public affairs team develops and implements strategies to create and strengthen key relationships between McMaster University and federal, provincial, and municipal government stakeholders to further the University’s aims and objectives.
Information Box Group
Daily News: Sharing the latest McMaster news Visit Daily News
For more than 20 years, Daily News has been the site of record for McMaster University. News of the day from across our community can be found on this site.
Brighter World: Highlighting research Visit Brighter World
Brighter World features stories about McMaster’s leading research from a variety of areas, including health, medicine, science, technology, environment, sustainability and more.
Latest News
Unmasking the bots: Researcher warns of threat to democratic processes
Social media bots are exerting significant influence on the political discourse in Canada and could negatively impact democratic processes if left unchecked, a McMaster researcher . . .
How Canadians’ private information is gathered and used to design election campaigns
With a federal election expected this year, professor Sara Bannerman is raising questions about the potential for political parties to gather and use Canadians’ personal . . .
McMaster researchers discover way to make drug-resistant bacteria vulnerable to common antibiotic
McMaster researchers have discovered a way to make deadly drug-resistant bacteria vulnerable to a commonly used antibiotic, opening the door to new utility for old . . .